Waier Practice - Müllerstr. 27 - Munich

Headaches and migraines - chiropractic as an alternative treatment

Headaches and migraines are among the most common and most annoying complaints of all. It can become complicated for sufferers if headaches occur more frequently or become very severe - or if no clear cause for the symptoms can be identified.

Chiropractic is an alternative treatment option for headaches that can help to relieve pain and permanently eliminate the cause of the pain.

Common types of headaches: tension, migraine, cluster, sinus
Common types of headaches: tension, migraine, cluster, sinus

What types of headaches are there?
And what are the causes?

Not all headaches are the same - there are different types, each of which can have different causes.

The most common types of headache and their causes are[1][2]:

  • Tension headaches: Pressing or pulling pain that often occurs on both sides of the head. They are triggered by stress or tension - especially neck tension.
  • Migraine: Pulsating or hammering headaches, often occurring on one side. They are accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound and can cause nausea and vomiting. Research has not yet found a clear cause for migraines. However, there are certain factors that can be common triggers for migraines. These include stress, hormonal changes due to menstruation or pregnancy, smoking, alcohol consumption or dehydration.
  • Cluster headaches: Extremely painful, one-sided headaches that usually occur around the eye. They occur in episodes over weeks or months.
  • Sinus headaches: Pressing pain in the forehead and nose area caused by inflammation of the sinuses.
  • Drug-induced headache: Headache caused by taking painkillers too often that were originally taken for other headaches.

There are also many other types of headache, such as illness-related headaches. A total of over 200[3][4] different types of headache are distinguished.

What helps with headaches?

If headaches occur frequently or are very severe, the cause should be clarified by a specialist, e.g. during an initial examination at our chiropractic practice in Munich.

These home remedies can also help with certain types of headaches:

  1. Peppermint oil can relieve tension headaches when applied to the forehead or temples.[1][2]

  2. Movement such as a walk or light exercise can relieve tension headaches as they reduce stress.[2][3]

  3. Rest and enough sleep can help with many types of headache, such as migraines or headaches caused by infections.[4][5]

  4. Drinking enough can prevent headaches caused by dehydration.[4][6]

  5. Heat or cold therapy can relieve headaches in some people, while others do not benefit from it.[5][7]

Treating headaches & migraines

There are several ways to treat the causes of headaches, of which chiropractic is a good option.

Chiropractic care can help treat the causes of headaches by correcting tension and misalignment in the neck and upper spine.[1][2]

Through manual therapies such as mobilization and manipulation of the cervical spine, a chiropractor can release blockages, reduce muscle tension and thus relieve pain such as headaches.[1][3]

Current evidence suggests that chiropractic care may be effective in the treatment of cervicogenic and tension headaches.[1]

A holistic approach to chiropractic aims to diagnose and therapeutically influence the underlying causes of complaints such as headaches.[4][5]

Frequently asked questions about headaches

The main difference between migraines and headaches lies in the intensity and accompanying symptoms:

  • Migraines are usually more severe and are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light or sound.[1][2]

  • Tension headaches are described as dull and pressing, while migraines tend to be throbbing and pulsating.[2][3]

  • Migraines often occur on one side, while headaches are usually bilateral.[1]

  • A migraine can be heralded by an aura such as flashes of light or other symptoms.[4]

  • Migraines are more strongly influenced by factors such as menstruation or hormones than headaches.[5][6]

Yes, migraines appear to be hereditary. If a parent has migraines, there is an increased risk of the children also developing them.[4]

Yes, give us a call and we will arrange an appointment for you at short notice.

Some common home remedies for treating headaches during pregnancy are:

  • Drink plenty, especially water, unsweetened herbal or fruit tea[1][2]
  • Sufficient rest and sleep[3][4]
  • Physical activity such as swimming, walking, yoga or other exercises[2][3]
  • A balanced, healthy diet[3]
  • Application of a warm compress or hot water bottle to the neck[5]
  • Take a warm bath[5]
  • Stress reduction through relaxation techniques such as yoga, progressive muscle relaxation[6][3]


Chiropractic also offersgentle and proven treatment methods for headaches during pregnancy.