Waier Practice - Müllerstr. 27 - Munich

in Munich

The aim of osteopathy is to feel and interpret misalignments in the body with the hands.

The techniques of osteopathy go very well with the techniques of chiropractic in treatment and also represent an advantage in diagnostics.

Our holistic approach to treatment means perceiving people as a whole. We do not simply treat symptoms. Above all, we try to identify the actual cause of painful symptoms and/or functional disorders in the patient and restore the natural functional principle.

Christian Waier
- Your osteopath in Munich

Christian Waier is constantly on the move in his search for new knowledge and insight - but still has both feet firmly on the ground.

He is an emphatic perfectionist, systematic observer, always inspired and fascinated by our brain's control over the body and our health.

It is the special blend of expertise, experience and personality that has made Christian Waier an institution in recent years, both as a treating chiropractor in Germany and as a speaker and trainer internationally.

Our osteopathic treatment techniques

Using gentle treatment techniques and a combination of osteopathy and chiropractic, we try to treat the causes of complaints and relieve pain permanently.

Cranial Release

Disturbances in the mobility of the skull bones (our skull consists of not one, but 22 bones) can be the cause of chronic, many neurological conditions and recurring pain syndromes.

The Cranial Release Technique is not comparable with conventional craniosacral therapy. Instead, the disorder in the area of the skull is treated directly. For this reason, the results are usually permanently stable after 4-5 treatments.

Fascia osteopathy

Fasciae are a specialized network of connective tissue that connects bones, muscles and organs.

As this tissue is permeated by many nerve cells, people experience mild to severe pain in the event of sprains/strains caused by sports injuries or incorrect strain. In our practice, we use fascia techniques from the field of FDM(osteopathy according to the fascial distortion model by Dr. Typaldos) and with the help of special fascia massage tools.

In our experience, fascia techniques are promising techniques that can achieve pain relief, especially in the extremities and spine.

Frequently asked questions about osteopathy

Osteopathy restores mobility in the connective tissue and cranial bones using special manipulations and techniques.

Chiropractic restores mobility in joints - especially in the area of the spine - using special hand movements and techniques.

Many people feel relaxed and completely at ease after an adjustment.
Especially if there is immediate success. However, this cannot be the rule.

A compensation chain that the body has built up over years, often decades, cannot be completely reversed with one or even the first treatment. But there are also people who do not notice any changes after just a few treatments. This does not mean that nothing has happened, but simply that there has been no external reaction from the body. A little patience is required here. From a functional neurological point of view, the body needs a certain amount of time for the nervous system to adapt.

The gentle techniques of osteopathy are suitable for babies, (small) children, adolescents, adults and people of the "best age".

Different techniques are used depending on the patient's initial situation.

  • Cranio-sacral osteopathy: head, meninges, nervous system
  • Parietal osteopathy: spine, muscles, bones, tendons, fascia and connective tissue
  • Visceral osteopathy: Internal organs