Waier Practice - Müllerstr. 27 - Munich

Treatment focus

Neurological symptoms

Chiropractic and functional neurological diagnostics from a chiropractor in Munich

Our goal at Waier Chiropractic and as chiropractors in Munich is to change the spine and nervous system in the long term by focusing on neuro-structural alignment.

This means that when we as chiropractors focus on the alignment of the spine, the nervous system begins to function better. Many of the secondary symptoms that people suffer from, such as dizziness, headaches, lack of sleep and energy, and back or joint pain, can disappear permanently once the underlying cause - the so-called "neuro-structural deviation" - is corrected.

In this way, the cause of many symptoms or clinical pictures is combated - and not just symptom management.


Typical symptoms associated with neurological symptoms

Patients who come to our practice may present with a variety of symptoms.

In the initial examination, the exact cause is first determined before any treatment.






Brain Fog