Waier Practice - Müllerstr. 27 - Munich

Treatment focus

Spine &
Intervertebral discs

Why is it so important to have your spine adjusted by a chiropractor at

As a result of our everyday lives, we build up disorders in the joints of the spine that lead to nerve disorders. These nerve disorders mean chemical and physical stress for the brain.

 Every time the brain suffers from this stress, it fires the amygdala. The amygdala is an area of the brain whose activation leads to a tendency towards anxiety and depression.

At the same time, the disorders in the vertebral joints lead to a so-called "shutdown" of the prefrontal cortex. And this in turn leads to the body releasing too little oxytocin, too little serotonin and too little dopamine.

Mental health therefore suffers when disorders develop in the joints and spine.


Typical complaints relating to the spine

Patients who come to our practice may present with a variety of symptoms.

In the initial examination, the exact cause is first determined before any treatment.

Lumbago (lumbago)

Headaches, migraines

Intervertebral disc problems

Pain in the neck or shoulder

Degenerative changes in the spine

Torticollis (scoliosis)

CMD (craniomandibular dysfunction)