Waier Practice - Müllerstr. 27 - Munich

Treatment focus

for children and

Joint misalignments such as blockages and displacements (so-called subluxations) can develop as early as childhood

It can often begin with the birth. The birth process is a strenuous process for the baby's body. Subluxations can already occur here. This is particularly the case if the birth is medically assisted, e.g. by caesarean section or the use of suction bells.

While toddlers are learning to use their bodies, falls and minor and major accidents naturally occur again and again, especially when learning to walk. This continues afterwards: falls from balance bikes and bicycles, falling from a tree, overlooking an obstacle, the unsuccessful Superman jump from the sofa, the unintentional collision when playing tag or soccer - in short, children are constantly falling down or running into something. This can lead to subluxations.

Resting posture and declining performance

However, children's bodies are still so adaptable and full of energy that they often don't notice much. Their bottom may hurt for two days and then it is forgotten. Nevertheless, there may have been a disruption in the communication between the brain and body. The body has to compensate for this, take the pressure off the areas that are not working properly and move it elsewhere. Compensations and protective postures can arise.

Over time, the body can become more and more crooked, which costs a lot of energy. At some point, often much later, the first symptoms may appear. This does not necessarily have to be pain, but from a chiropractic point of view, health restrictions such as concentration problems, a drop in performance or frequent illness can also be a sign of a disturbed nervous system. Recurrent middle ear infections, bedwetting and syndromes known as ADHD or ADD can also be part of this.

Our advice: regular check-ups for children too

The earlier you start to keep children healthy, the more you can ensure that they can develop their full potential. It makes much more sense to keep children healthy than to try to fix broken adults!

That's why we advise: Promote the health, performance and well-being of your children through regular preventive visits to your chiropractor. We are convinced that it is better to maintain health in the long term than to take action when serious complaints already exist!

We use the gentlest methods available in modern American chiropractic for babies and children. Our techniques are so gentle that children usually find them pleasant and the treatment often a fun adventure.


Typical symptoms in children and adolescents

Patients who come to our practice may present with a variety of symptoms.

In the initial examination, the exact cause is first determined before any treatment.

KiSS syndrome / torticollis

Developmental disorders

Poor posture

Poor coordination


Concentration difficulties


